
  • Episode 169 – Episode Of The Year

    Ho! Ho! Holy shit! It’s the Tuesday after Christmas and your inebriated friends in the TNCC have a very special present for you. Forget family, forget taking stock of your blessings, forget EVERYTHING that you thought would bring you happiness this holiday season. If you were genuinely happy, you...
  • Episode 1.1 – Expendables 3, Drew Estate Smoking Monk Irish Stout cigar, Buried Hatchet Stout beer

    Well folks, the first episode of The Tuesday Night Cigar Club podcast is officially in the can! While there are obviously going to be some growing pains and tweaking needed early on in this adventure (anybody remember early Simpsons or The Seinfeld Chronicles? yikes), I believe we put together...
  • And the first cigar to be reviewed on the TNCC Podcast is…

    THE SMOKING MONK IMPERIAL STOUT by Drew Estate! When tobacco visionary Jonathan Drew announced that Drew Estate was releasing a boutique series of specially blended cigars to be paired with craft beer, we knew instantly that this concept fit the Tuesday Night Cigar Club to a capital T. Hell,...