J.C. Newman Cigar Company
Tonight is our 9th Annual Spooktastic Drinking & Drinking Some More Boorific Drunkathon Bonanza Spectacular! Bonanzas 1 through 8 must have been pretty damn spectacular because we don’t remember any of them. Ah precious alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems… THE CIGAR –...
This budget-friendly offering from J.C. Newman has quite an interesting history behind it: El Baton is one of J.C. Newman’s vintage brands made by our founder, J.C. Newman, back in 1914. This nickel cigar was originally hand rolled in a Cleveland, Ohio factory with Cuban tobacco. Although it was...
This is the second episode this month that I have to issue this statement: TONIGHT’S FEATURED FILM IS NOT A PORNO. I had to explain ourselves with the selection of Teen Lust a few shows ago and then I’m minding my own business and stumble across the movie Girls...