Ho! Ho! Holy shit! It’s the Tuesday after Christmas and your inebriated friends in the TNCC have a very special present for you. Forget family, forget taking stock of your blessings, forget EVERYTHING that you thought would bring you happiness this holiday season. If you were genuinely happy, you...
So, I suppose, tonight is our big AMERICA episode. We’re smoking Red Meat Lovers cigars, we’re chugging beers, and we’re time traveling back to sweet 1986 to talk about cute beach babes in bikinis. It doesn’t get more ‘Merica than that! Or at least that’s what our great nation...
Welcome everyone to The Tuesday Night Cigar Club episode 156! Our 7th Annual Drunken March (stumble) To Halloween begins tonight!!! This is always our collective favorite part of the year and we kick things off in a big way this evening. So take a ganders below at what you’re...
Honestly, it’s been a while since you’re favorite podcast crew dug this deep in to a movie. While tonight’s episode is a fun one for sure, we do go down some more serious roads during the course of our film discussion and I always think that’s a good thing...