It’s Official, Matt A. Cade Is A Cigar Expert!

When a website asks for my expert opinion and then proceeds to refer to me as “one of the most popular cigar bloggers” with “one of the most experienced palates in the cigar world” I’m probably going to share the article...

When a website asks for my expert opinion and then proceeds to refer to me as “one of the most popular cigar bloggers” with “one of the most experienced palates in the cigar world” I’m probably going to share the article. I promise I won’t let this newfound praise and celebrity go to my head. So here it is, now click below and bask in my infinite wisdom!!!


Brother of the Leaf, Filmmaker, Prophet, former Mr. South Dakota 1996. I was a bouncer on the child beauty pageant circuit until one too many juice boxes went missing and somebody had to take the fall. I was set up. Ok, I was thirsty. All that hairspray in the air dries out your throat like a motherfu... I apologize to no man. Now I host the Tuesday Night Cigar Club podcast.