When I first dove in to the world of premium cigars many many moons ago, CAO was one of my early favorite go-to brands. Just thinking about my first time smoking the CAO America barberpole or the original CAO Vision gives me all sorts of nostalgic feels. CAO would...
Over the years, we here at The Tuesday Night Cigar Club have always spoken kindly of Guy Fieri. After all, the TNCC is far more Fieri than Bourdain and not just because we’re all still alive. By all accounts the celebrity chef is a nice, charitable dude who hasn’t...
Way back in 2015 on Episode 5 of the podcast, we reviewed the Emilio AF1 cigar (which we all enjoyed) and The Tuesday Night Cigar Club hasn’t featured an Emilio offering since then. The company has changed ownership over the last few years, we’ll let you cruise over to...
So, I’m going to go ahead and get this out of the way now – I am typically not a fan of lanceros. I can’t tell you exactly why, the lancero vitola just typically doesn’t sing to me in the same way that other sizes in the same blend...
Welcome everyone to The Tuesday Night Cigar Club episode 156! Our 7th Annual Drunken March (stumble) To Halloween begins tonight!!! This is always our collective favorite part of the year and we kick things off in a big way this evening. So take a ganders below at what you’re...
So I have never smoked a pipe. And I know absolutely nothing about the world of pipe tobacco. Seeing as how I’m about to light up a cigar blended with pipe tobacco, it’s probably wise to turn to the Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust website to formally introduce tonight’s cigar...
While I am certainly familiar with the brand’s name, I have never smoked a Sancho Panza cigar prior to tonight. There’s no particular reason why that is the case, there are probably hundreds of cigar lines that I just haven’t got around to smoking over the years. But when...
Back in February of this year, on Episode 152 of the podcast, we reviewed the Intergalactic corona larga from Black Works Studio and it impressed the collective hell out of us. That cigar earned a Earth-shattering 93 score and many months later it is still one of my favorite...
Way back in 2019 we reviewed the Le Carême Canonazo on Episode 94 and it blew our collective socks off. So much so that it was declared our #4 Cigar of the Year! I’ve smoked several variations of this cigar after that first stellar impression and have enjoyed them...