Yes folks, it’s our big Fourth Of July Freedom Spectacular & Drinking Extravaganza!!! Or something like that. And in typical Tuesday Night Cigar Club fashion it’s airing several weeks after the actual holiday so, if nothing else, we are incredibly consistent. But, and this is a big BUT, for...
We began tonight’s show by filling The Boot Of Remembrance for the late great comic genius Mr. Gene Wilder. However, our mood was not somber but rather reflective and appreciative of the man’s work and the untouchable legacy he left behind. Then, as always, we proceeded to light up...
It’s our 10th episode and HOLY SHIT do we ever celebrate this momentous occasion in style! I can’t remember laughing this hard in a very long time and I usually laugh quite a bit as I’m easily amused by a myriad stupid things on a very basic level. I...