Our close friend (and honorary Tuesday Night Cigar Club member) Fritz Beer has added a page for the TNCC on his website. You know, the fantastic podcast you wait...

Our close friend (and honorary Tuesday Night Cigar Club member) Fritz Beer has added a page for the TNCC on his website. You know, the fantastic podcast you wait salivating in front of iTunes for every other Tuesday that coincidentally features the catchy-as-all-hell theme song written and performed by Mr. Beer? He cooked up a description of our show that we think sums it up pretty well:

“In the swirling smoke and belching eruption of everything “Craft” a lone Podcast blips the radar for lovers of “small batch” and “hand made”, but feel lost in the burgeoning world of Non-Corporate corporatism. Take cigars and beer; we all love one or both now and then. Take movies; as earthlings we love movies, and we all have a guilty favorite.

The TNCC analyzes these three profound elements of American Society and delivers them up to help you, the life long student of smoke, swill and screen. Each week four regular guys give you the skinny on notable cigars and beer. Not White Owls and Buds, but good stuff you can get without too much bucks. Then there’s movies. Their choices may odd but the analysis is funny, insightful and full of trivia nuggets. 2 outta 3 times these guys know what they’re talkin’ about half the time, and the result is fun, informative and entertaining as hell.”

Pretty damn accurate, eh? He’s also got a free “Single Of The Month Club” that we highly suggest you subscribe to. The guy’s taste in music is almost as good as his taste in podcasts. So GET YOUR ASS over to Fritz’s site and start soaking in some really great music. Our theme song “Spotsy Tavern Drinking Song” is one click away from becoming the best track in your weekend playlist. That’s a guarantee.
Support true artists, you won’t regret it.


Brother of the Leaf, Filmmaker, Prophet, former Mr. South Dakota 1996. I was a bouncer on the child beauty pageant circuit until one too many juice boxes went missing and somebody had to take the fall. I was set up. Ok, I was thirsty. All that hairspray in the air dries out your throat like a motherfu... I apologize to no man. Now I host the Tuesday Night Cigar Club podcast.


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