We’ve been trying to get Tatuaje’s Pete Johnson on the show for quite a while now but he’s one of the busiest guys in the cigar world and it wasn’t until he executive produced tonight’s film that the stars finally aligned. We have a long conversation with Pete about...
A few years ago we all went to the movie theater and checked out Terminator: Genysis and then raced back to the Corner Of No Hope and turned on the mics to deliver to you, our beloved audience, our immediate thoughts on the first Terminator film in years to...
We haven’t had this much fun recording a show in a long while. Sometimes the movie doesn’t need to be a winner (tonight it isn’t) and we don’t all need to agree on the quality of the cigars (tonight we don’t) to have a phenomenal time discussing both. And...
I want to take a quick moment here at the top of this episode page to address tonight’s show and explain why you don’t have your usual options for enjoying it. It’s a fantastic entry in our March To Halloween series but due to an unavoidable technical snafu we...
I love this time of year! And I love talking about horror films of all shapes and sizes, good and bad. But if you’re going to talk about a bad horror film for a few hours it helps dramatically to have a super delicious premium cigar in one hand...
Well ladies and germs, we are officially starting our long march to Halloween a little earlier than usual this year. And what better way to kick things off with than a double-feature of grizzly bear madness?!?! The correct answer is, of course, that there is no better way obviously....
Looking back over the last four and a half years, hundreds upon hundreds of hours of content (especially watching some of the really early stuff), I couldn’t help but think that despite our lack of natural ability, we certainly possessed the one crucial aspect to all early creative endeavors...
First and foremost, we have a very special guest in The Corner Of No Hope tonight, so please don’t let the occasional focus issue on our YouTube video throw you off (it disappears around the hour mark, we are testing out a new camera so bear with us). Keith...
Good Lord it was hot out tonight! So when the temperature starts creeping toward 100° it only makes sense to pour a few dozen pints of a cool refreshing Pilsner, light up some tobacco leaves, and let the good times fucking roll. It also helped too that we were...